ack! the filthy one has hit a wall. a wall called "the weekend." after an evening with borat, a fun post-wedding reception, and the usual slew of errands, my nanowrimo pace screeched to a slug-like slither. i am averaging approximately 800 words now and at this pace, I am barely going to hit the half-way mark by the end of the month. i have to make sure not to let the weekends kill my momentum. the only obstacle i can forsee at this point is turkey day. note to self: write early that day (and don't even presume you can try in the evening).
word count: 3197 (day 5 of 30)
About Me
- Name: Richard Kriheli
- Location: New York, New York, United States
just check out my site -- and/or follow my twitter feed:
Monday, November 06, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
day two come and gone and despite falling under pace again, there was significant improvement. thought i'd reveal (as some might know already) that i am writing religious satire. plenty of material to lampoon, though it is quite an undertaking. i am still battling the urge to show more, but my own insecurities about unpolished pieces thwarts it entirely. props to nazzy for showing some honest enthusiasm over IM about the project. it helps knowing that i am not a complete fraud in the trade of the scribe.
word count : 2267 (day 2 of 30)
Thursday, November 02, 2006
the first night of the nanowrimo journey (last night) sloppily stumbled out of the gate. in order to work at a reasonable pace and not fall signifcantly behind, i must knock out approximately 1700 words per day. i barely managed half of that - succumbing to self-doubt and too much reasoning during the process. must learn to ignore these feelings/thoughts to better tackle this daunting task. it didn't help that one of my favorite characters in lost got the shaft last night as well. night two, you will be my bitch tonight!
word count : 821 (day 1 of 30)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
day one of nanowrimo has arrived and i am about to embark on a fifty-thousand word journey to the depths of my decrepit imagination. i need all the support i can get and i will try and post word-count updates to this blog as well as mood/progress reports. i may post snippets of my work if i am feeling masochistic. i am commemorating this epic journey with the purchase of a spankin' new macbook pro which takes the place of my old faithful powerCrook that was sold last night (via ebay) and shipped this morning (congrats to Heidi Kulsavage who assumes ownership of my ol' workhorse). so with this shiny-new steed, i'm off to the races. so i beg of all those who care to read my blogs to break out your pom-poms and silly uniforms with a big K across your chest and cheer (and jeer) the filthy one on!