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Location: New York, New York, United States

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Friday, November 09, 2001

inky is now officially delayed until december, which will push the release date to january 1st, 2002. i guess it would be a fitting way to bring in the new year considering everything has been pretty crappy this year. come to think of it, things have been crappy since 1999. i think its about time that i catch some breaks. i don't know why all this is an issue considering i don't necessarily believe in time, but let's see if fortunes decide to swing in my favor in the coming months. go kriheli!

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

once again... many many apologies for the lack of blogging. i have been getting lambasted for the lack of attention i am showing to my site. but fear not, crazy ones! the reasoning behind this is because i am redesigning the site. i am leaning towards a 70's funk feel to it. who knows... just keep your eyes open, if you so please.