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Sunday, September 30, 2001

major props to sandy for propping up my poetry on her j-lo graced site! you rock girl! although there is little here she has to be envious about (please, girl - i know you got some in you - look at your daily journal - you have a natural sincerity and strength in your discourse). she is the truth! she also lost her parakeet yesterday to eternity, so please give her some love!

Saturday, September 29, 2001

chinh has gone mad! I just received her box of madness for my forthcoming birthday (october 2nd, y'all!). she asked me to blog what i got... so here goes:

- mac designs mag (w/ subscription)
- a framed photo of the two of us
- electric can opener
- some burned pc games
- purple desk shit
- my shirt i left in texas
- condoms
- a conan tape
- potpourri
- a little purple fuzzy thing
- and something else coming soon.

chinh, much love to you, babe. you are the most imaginative and crazy person i know, and you have definitely gone mad, as i have previously stated. i love them all.

Friday, September 28, 2001

things have been quite slow over the last couple of weeks. production level has been almost shot. found out that inky is being delayed due to being printed in canada, so the long awaited cartoon still has to endure a couple more weeks of wait. did i expect a smooth ride? am i kidding myself?

Monday, September 24, 2001

zzz... (being unproductive) i truly dislike lazy days. note to self: cmon kriheli! get off your ass and get your work done.

Monday, September 17, 2001

in this time of outward patriotism, i feel ashamed to be an american. if we are so united right now, why are innocent indian / pakistani / arab peoples being discriminated against in our country? and why does it take tragedy of this magnitude to unify peoples? mr. bush, you are given the ultimate test right now at the country's most vulnerable position in history. time to step up to the plate.

Thursday, September 13, 2001

the late hour in the aftermath is all but assuring of what is to come ahead. i wanna quote theresa who says: "this is not america vs. the taliban. this is clearly the world vs. terrorism." this is the proper sentiment. terrorism is not a tangible thing we can fight... much like 'the war on drugs', its everlasting and endless. throwing punches back and forth solves NOTHING. "give peace a chance" - lennon.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

aftermath: it is now a time to regroup and stay strong amidst the insanity that was perpetrated against innocent lives. as crazy as it sounds, everything happens for a reason. that reason should motivate us to only look forward and not look back. i look out my window and see a puff of dust and smoke, remnants of what used to be the heart of the financial district. very sad, but it is over for now. we must move forward. my prayers go out to the families that were tragically affected in this awful catastrophe.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

um, scratch the London trip. war is imminent.

kriheli will be away till sunday night in london. so i have nothing interesting to say until i get my butt back in new york city. happy birthday, matthew! have fun in mexico, brother.

Thursday, September 06, 2001

woland suggests that a divine force is probably urging me to take up on smoking (see blog below).

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

three straight days i run into some cat who thinks i know him and every single time he asks me for a cigarette. i don't get it. he gives me a look like he knows me, and then asks... and each time i have told him that i didn't smoke. how does this happen 3 days in a row? maybe a divine force upstairs is trying to tell me i better stay consistent with my blogs (no, that is not supposed to make sense).