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Friday, February 22, 2002

my dog just winked at me. weird little guy. i am gonna take him out for his poop. will be back soon to blog away. --- ok i am back. i have been on this download kick for music - getting all kinds of old cheesy songs. i have so much crap. over 1000 mp3's plus about 600 plus cd's... too much music... but i need to hear more stuff. so i am calling out for suggestions for obscure songs you all like, let me know what to download. i am up for everything. my preferences lie in hiphop, soul (no fake rkelly crap), funk, jazz, rock (classic or modern), silly lounge music, showtunes, classical, commercial pop, anything really. hell, i have a few garth brooks tracks as well. so any suggestions... toss them my way. leave them in this blogs comments section if you can. thanks people!